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Noticiario - Sites selecionados

Sites selecionados


The organizations included here pursue aims of planetary scope which our Association fully shares. Each of these direct links have been agreed with the respective organization.


United Nations
The Earth Charter Initiative
Values and Principles for a sustainable Future
Rotary International
United Nations
Regional Information Centre
for Western Europe
Green Cross International
Its mission is to help ensure a just, sustainable and secure future for all
The Club of Budapest
An informal international association dedicated to developing a new way of thinking and a new ethics
Ethical Markets
EthicalMarkets.com provides news and perspective on reforming global finance, socially responsible investing, global corporate citizenship
Piattaforma Infanzia
Telematic book and video library that selects, organizes and shares multidisciplinary knowledge useful in improving the conditions of children and young people
Lucis Trust
The worldwide activities of this educational charity are dedicated to establishing right human relations
Global Movement for the Culture of Peace
A people's movement within every country and every city on Earth, within every tribe, every race, every culture and every ethnic group