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Good News Agency

In spite of everything, a culture of peace is emerging in all fields of human endeavour

monthly, year 25th, number 329 – 5th February 2025


Good News Agency carries positive and constructive news from all over the world relating to voluntary work, the work of the United Nations, non-governmental organizations and institutions engaged in improving the quality of life – news that doesn’t “burn out” in the space of a day. It is distributed free of charge through Internet to media and editorial journalists, NGOs, service associations and high schools and colleges around the world.

It is an all-volunteer service of Associazione Culturale dei Triangoli e della Buona Volontà Mondiale, an educational charity associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information It is a supporter of the Global Movement for the Culture of Peace. In the final report of the Decade for a Culture of Peace project (2001-2010) provided to the UN Secretary-General for presentation to the UN General Assembly, Good News Agency is included among the three NGOs that have been playing an active role in the field of Information through Internet.* 




Government and politicsEducation and teachingEconomy, finance and planning

Arts of living and relationshipsWork, science and industry

Society and communicationRules, regulations and environment


Government and politics


United Nations – General Assembly – Seventy-ninth session – Agenda Item 98 – Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 24 December 2024: Comprehensive study of the question of nuclear-weapon-free zones in all its aspects

December 31, 2024 - The General Assembly (…)

1. Requests the Secretary-General to convene a qualified group of up to 25 experts, which is representative, based on the principle of equitable geographic distribution and giving due regard to gender balance, to prepare a new comprehensive study of the question of nuclear-weapon-free zones, aimed at assessing the current status of existing and potential nuclear-weapon-free zones, as well as examining options and recommendations towards strengthening existing zones and the possible establishment of new zones, including in the Middle East; (…)


News related with SDGs number 16-Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions


United Nations – General Assembly – Seventy-ninth session – Agenda Item 22 (e) –Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 19 December 2024: Eradicating rural poverty to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

December 23, 2024 - The General Assembly (…)

2. Reaffirms that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, for all people everywhere, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development, as well as an overarching objective of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, of which the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development is an integral part, supporting and complementing it;

8. Encourages all countries and other relevant stakeholders to promote inclusive economic transformation in rural areas that increases productivity and contributes to bridging the present rural-urban divide while ensuring productive employment and decent work, (…)


News related with SDGs number 1-No Poverty


United Nations – General Assembly – Seventy-ninth session – Agenda Item 26 (b) –Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 17 December 2024: Strengthening volunteerism for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, leaving no one behind

December 19, 2024 - The General Assembly (…)

2. Recalls the importance of integrating volunteerism, as appropriate, into the planning for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and encourages the United Nations system, civil society and the private sector, in partnership with Member States, to support such efforts and promote a conducive environment for volunteerism and volunteers to enhance the sustainability of development results; (…)

6. Encourages Member States to support volunteer action for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, including the integration of volunteerism into sector priorities and national development strategies, plans and policies, and to invest in volunteers and volunteering as part of national capacities, (…)


News related with SDGs number 17-Partnerships for the Goals


United Nations – General Assembly – Seventy-ninth session – Agenda Item 27 –Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 17 December 2024: Intensification of efforts to prevent and eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls: the digital environment

December 19, 2024 - The General Assembly (…)

2. Stresses that “violence against women and girls” means any act of violence, including sexual and gender-based violence, that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual, psychological or economic harm or suffering to women and girls, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life, online and offline, and notes the economic and social harm caused by such violence;

3. Urges States to strongly condemn all forms of violence against women and girls, both offline and online, and reaffirms that they should not invoke any custom, tradition or religious consideration to avoid their obligations with respect to its elimination and should pursue, by all appropriate means and without delay, a policy of eliminating all forms of violence against t women, as set out in the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women; (…)


News related with SDGs number 5-Gender Equality


United Nations – General Assembly – Seventy-ninth session – Agenda Item 75 (a) –Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 12 December 2024: Oceans and the law of the sea

December 16, 2024 - The General Assembly (…)

2. Calls upon all States that have not done so, in order to fully achieve the goal of universal participation, to become parties to the Convention and the Part XI Agreement; (…)

4. Calls upon States to harmonize their national legislation with the provisions of the Convention and, where applicable, relevant agreements and instruments, to ensure the consistent application of those provisions and to ensure also that any declarations or statements that they have made or make when signing, ratifying or acceding to the Convention do not purport to exclude or to modify the legal effect of the provisions of the Convention in their application to the State concerned and to withdraw any such declarations or statements; (…)


News related with SDGs number 14- Life below Water


United Nations – General Assembly – Seventy-ninth session – Agenda Item 106 –Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 9 December 2024: Promoting international cooperation on peaceful uses in the context of international security

December 10, 2024 - The General Assembly (…)

1. Urges all Member States, without prejudice to their non-proliferation obligations, to take concrete measures to promote international cooperation on materials, equipment and technology for peaceful purposes, in particular not to maintain any restrictions incompatible with the obligations undertaken;

2. Encourages all Member States, on the basis of sovereign equality and the report of the Secretary-General and the views and recommendations contained therein, to continue dialogues on promoting peaceful uses and relevant international cooperation, including by identifying gaps and challenges, as well as ideas and

opportunities for strengthening cooperation, and explore possible ways forward, such as formulating guiding principles as appropriate; (…)


News related with SDGs number 17-Partnerships for the Goals



Education and teaching


Digital resources to support education for sustainable development, health and well-being, and global skills

January 8, 2025- Education for sustainable development extends beyond the simple study of environmental and social issues. It cultivates a deep understanding of global challenges, develops essential 21st-century skills and abilities, and inspires a sense of responsibility for the future of our planet. Education for health and well-being aims to promote a culture of healthy living, including physical, reproductive, and mental health. Meanwhile, the digital transformation of education involves the active use of modern technology to improve the effectiveness of the educational process and develop digital skills in both students and teachers.


News related with SDGs number 4-Quality Education


New study says that those learning a new language should make sure to get enough sleep.

January 5, 2025-Getting enough sleep is essential for a variety of reasons, but an international team of scientists has discovered a new incentive to get eight hours of sleep every night: it helps your brain memorize and learn a new language. The study, led by the University of South Australia, found that coordinating two electrical events in the sleeping brain “significantly” improves our ability to remember new words and complex grammatical rules.


News related with SDGs number 4-Quality Education


Utah’s spellbinding ‘Spiral Jetty’ has been added to the National Register of Historic Places

January 2025- Robert Smithson constructed the famous 1,500-foot-long land artwork on the shore of the Great Salt Lake in 1970. From the shoreline of Great Salt Lake in Utah runs an unusually long and undulating limb of land. Titled Spiral Jetty, the large-scale swirl was constructed in 1970 by artist Robert Smithson, who was known for manipulating earth into abstract shapes. Now, the land artwork has been added to the National Park Service’s National Register of Historic Places (…) Dia acquired Spiral Jetty in 1999, when Smithson’s widow, Nancy Holt, donated the artwork. Over the years, the foundation has collaborated with the Great Salt Lake Institute, the Holt/Smithson Foundation and the Utah Museum of Fine Arts to care for it. Spiral Jetty is one of the world’s most famous works of land art: art that’s created directly in and from a landscape, either by sculpting earth or building with natural materials. The medium became popular during the 1960s and ’70s within the conceptual art movement, which prioritized artists’ ideas, plans and intentions over the artworks themselves. (…)




Economy, finance and planning


ARPA-E funds 9 projects to reduce synthetic corn fertilizer in corn and sorghum for $38M

(by Meghan Sapp)

January 14, 2025 - In Washington, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) announced $38 million for 9 projects to develop technologies that reduce synthetic nitrogen fertilizer use in corn and sorghum farming – key crops for U.S. ethanol production. The Technologies to Emend and Obviate SYnthetic Nitrogen’s Toll on Emissions (TEOSYNTE) program aims to reduce those fertilizers by implementing innovation solutions through the application of crop breeding, genetic engineering, and microbial technologies that will reduce agriculture-related emissions and lower operating costs for American farmers. (…)


News related with SDGs number 8-Decent Work and Economic Growth


Designing tiny filters to solve big problems

(by Anne Trafton)

January 13, 2025 - For many industrial processes, the typical way to separate gases, liquids, or ions is with heat, using slight differences in boiling points to purify mixtures. These thermal processes account for roughly 10 percent of the energy use in the United States. MIT chemical engineer Zachary Smith wants to reduce costs and carbon footprints by replacing these energy-intensive processes with highly efficient filters that can separate gases, liquids, and ions at room temperature. In his lab at MIT, Smith is designing membranes with tiny pores that can filter tiny molecules based on their size. These membranes could be useful for purifying biogas, capturing carbon dioxide from power plant emissions, or generating hydrogen fuel. (…)


News related with SDGs number 12-Responsible Consumption and Production 


This all-electric robo-bus has swappable batteries and can fit 30 passengers

(by Andrew J. Hawkins)

January 7, 2025 - May Mobility, (…), the Ann Arbor, Michigan-based company struck a deal with Tecnobus to acquire several of the Italian company’s mini-buses. With enough capacity for 30 people, as well as wheelchair accessibility, May Mobility hopes to expand it self-driving mobility service to new customers and new markets, including urban transit, corporate campuses, airports, planned communities, and more. (…)


News related with SDGs number 11-Sustainable Cities and Communities


Hard nut to crack: Project eyes pistachio and walnut shells for new materials

(by Rebecca Gendron)

December 31, 2024 - In Austria, researchers at the BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences are leading an EU-funded project to manufacture new materials from nutshell. The project, dubbed PUZZLE MATERIAL, is a successor to the SCATAPNUT initiative, a five-year research project that found that nut shells, like pistachio and walnut, contain cells with unique interlocking structures resembling pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. This contributes to their unusual strength and durability. (…)


News related with SDGs number 9-Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure


Indian villagers claim bamboo forest to turn poverty into prosperity.

December 24, 2024- From India comes the story of a tribal community that has taken ownership of a lush bamboo forest and used it to improve the future of its otherwise impoverished residents. Under a monumental piece of legislation passed in 2006, any indigenous community can claim ownership of federally owned land to which it has a traditional claim. Called the Forest Rights Act, its effectiveness has been patchy, as many indigenous forest dwellers are unaware of it and few are willing to sue on their behalf.


News related with SDGs number 8-Decent Work and Economic Growth


United Nations – General Assembly – Seventy-ninth session – Agenda Item 16 (b) –Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 19 December 2024: International financial system and development

December 23, 2024 - The General Assembly (…)

4. Calls upon multilateral development banks to provide timely support to developing countries by increasing and optimizing long-term concessional finance, including lending in local currencies, as well as the design, financing and scaling up of country-owned and -driven innovative mechanisms; (…)

17. Urges multilateral development banks to bring forward actions to mobilize and provide additional financing within their mandates to support developing countries to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (…)


News related with SDGs number 8-Decent Work and Economic Growth



Arts of living and relationships


Deep sleep clears your mind at night as much as cleaning a dishwasher.

January 11, 2025-A good night’s sleep clears your mind, new research suggests, like running the dishwasher before bed and waking up with a clean brain. The international team of scientists describes the process as flushing out waste that builds up in the brain during waking hours. Their findings also offer insights into how sleeping pills may interrupt the “brainwashing” system, potentially impacting long-term cognitive function.


News related with SDGs number 3-Good Health and Well-Being


Women weavers: resilience and tradition in the heart of the Amazon

January 2025- Johayne is part of an extraordinary community of women weavers in Brazil’s Central Amazon Biosphere Reserve. The rich cultural traditions of weaving techniques have been passed on through generations, but it has not been easy to earn a living through their craft. Now with support through the Amazon Biosphere Reserves Project, a collaborative effort between UNESCO, LVMH, and the Fundação Vitória Amazônica (FVA) the women have learnt business skills. Finally, the sales of their handicrafts are a way they can support themselves.(…) Strengthening the Novo Airão Artisans Association has made it a pathway to economic independence. The weavers now attract visitors to the building, and the sales of their wares provide a steady income and allow them to continue their traditions. Using natural materials like arumã fibres, vines, and bacaba stems, the women create not only beautiful pieces but also continue a cultural legacy that links their families to the land. Weaving here is a tribute to their heritage, promoting responsible resource use.


News related with SDGs number 5-Gender Equality


Alexandria declared 2025 Mediterranean Capital of Culture and Dialogue

January 2025- Alexandria, Egypt, and Tirana, Albania, will be the first-ever Mediterranean Capitals of Culture and Dialogue in 2025. The initiative, endorsed by the UfM’s 43 Member States, seeks to honour the region’s diversity while also promoting mutual understanding with a yearlong programme of cultural and educational activities in each city. At the heart of the Balkans and a crossroad of civilisations, Tirana is a testament to the coexistence of cultures, religions, and historical influences across the Mediterranean, while Alexandria, known as the Pearl of the Mediterranean, has a long history of supporting intellectual and cultural creativity. The cities strive to deepen intercultural dialogue, promote the values of tolerance and respect, and create opportunities for cultural exchanges, making them the ideal locations for the launch of the initiative. FM Secretary General Nasser Kamel said that In an era of divisive politics and tragic conflicts, the Mediterranean Capitals initiative is proof of the power of culture to build bridges and promote much-needed dialogue. While it is important to acknowledge the differences that make us unique, now more than ever we must find beauty, resilience, and strength in our shared identity as Mediterraneans. The region has limitless potential, but only together can we truly flourish. In the framework of this initiative, every year, two cities from the North and the South will be selected as Mediterranean Capitals of Culture and Dialogue. (…)


News related with SDGs number 11-Sustainable Cities and Communities


Young woman returns family photos lost in hurricane Helene using social media to find owners

January 2025 -A North Carolinian is reuniting families with precious photographs blown away in the storm, offering them critical links to their pasts as they rebuild their homes and lives.Taylor Schenker, who lives in Canton near hard-hit Asheville, was searching through debris along the Swannanoa River hoping to recover some things from her friend’s house which was completely destroyed.As they sifted through mud and torn-up vegetation, Schenker was continually finding photographs that had survived the elements thanks to the waterproof glossy paper.(…) That night, she imagined the loved ones behind the shutter and in front of it having those memories taken away from them forever, and the thought affected her deeply.

She decided to use Instagram to help reunite families with their missing photographs. Photos from Helene is a tearful page, as over two dozen photos have been returned. Often commenters recognize themselves or a loved one.


News related with SDGs number 3-Good Health and Well-Being


Two Young Visionary Talents Honored at the UNESCO-Sharjah Prize for Arab Culture.

On Thursday, November 28, 2024 in Paris, the ceremony for the 20th edition of the UNESCO-Sharjah Prize for Arab Culture was the stage for a vibrant celebration, highlighting the creativity and richness of Arab cultures.

December 2024 - Showcasing Cultural Richness and Intercultural Dialogue, Established in 2001, the UNESCO-Sharjah Prize for Arab Culture annually honors two laureates for their outstanding contributions to the appreciation of Arab culture and the promotion of intercultural dialogue. Grounded in a vision of peace and collaboration, the prize celebrates individuals and organizations excelling in creativity, innovation, and cultural exchange. This 20th edition, symbolic in many ways, recognized two of the youngest laureates in the prize’s history: Aya Tarek, and Alvin Alidji Touré. Their dedication and creativity represent a generation boldly pushing the boundaries of cultural dialogue with originality, while showcasing the richness of Arab culture. (…) For the first time, a sub-Saharan African laureate, Alvin Alidji Touré, was honored, marking a milestone in the history of the Prize. This young Malian filmmaker was recognized for his cinematic works that explore the deep connections between African and Arab cultures, particularly through the history and heritage of Timbuktu, a crossroads of traditions and cultural exchanges.


News related with SDGs number 4-Quality Education



Work, science and industry


China's electric and hybrid vehicle sales jump 40.7% in 2024

January 9, 2025 - Sales of electric and hybrid vehicles jumped more than 40 percent in China last year, a trade association said on Thursday, as demand for new energy autos continues to surge. "From January to December 2024, the retail sales volume (of new energy vehicles) reached 10.899 million units, a year-on-year increase of 40.7 percent," the China Passenger Car Association (CPCA) said. (…)


News related with SDGs number 9-Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure


In Brazil, an Amazon reforestation project seeks to redeem carbon markets

January 8, 2025 - In the Brazilian Amazon, workers use metal tubes to sow seedlings in rapid succession, as part of an effort to reforest the jungle with millions of trees. The project has financial backing from the United States and lucrative contracts with companies such as Google, Microsoft and the McLaren F1 team, who want to use the reforested area to offset millions of tons of carbon emissions. (…)


News related with SDGs number 15-Life on Land


Toyota’s futuristic Woven City in Japan is ready for its first residents

(by Andrew J. Hawkins)

January 7, 2025 - Toyota’s futuristic Woven City, which is being built on the site of a former car factory in Japan, is almost ready for its first residents. (…) “Woven City is more than just a place to live, work, and play,” Toyota Chairman Akio Toyoda said during today’s press conference at CES. “Woven City is a place where people can invent and develop all kinds of new products and ideas. It’s a living laboratory where the residents are willing participants, giving inventors the opportunity to freely test their ideas in a secure, real-life setting.” (…)


News related with SDGs number 11-Sustainable Cities and Communities


Researchers discover new Jatropha species in Sinaloa

(by Juan Pedro Tomas)

January 5, 2025 - In Mexico, (…) and other institutions have identified a new plant species of the genus Jatropha in Sinaloa, between Mazatlán and San Ignacio. (…) The researchers highlighted the ecological and scientific importance of Jatropha marquezii, emphasizing its potential role in producing biofuels and providing sustenance for local wildlife. The discovery marks a significant contribution to botany and further positions Sinaloa as a vital region for biodiversity research, the report added. (…)


News related with SDGs number 12-Responsible Consumption and Production 


IrBEA launches solid biomass report

(by Juan Pedro Tomas)

January 5, 2025 - In the UK, Bioenergy Insight reported that the Irish Bioenergy Association (IrBEA) has launched its Solid Biomass Capacity Statement (SBCS) report. The objective of this report is to demonstrate the potential of the sector to deliver decarbonized heating solutions using woody biomass to a wide variety of heat users across the residential, commercial and industrial sectors. (…)


News related with SDGs number 12-Responsible Consumption and Production 



Society and communication


New coins featuring five historic female figures.

January 2025 - This year, the United States Mint will issue new quarter coins featuring the images of five women with diverse ethnic, racial, and geographic identities. The Secretary of the Treasury selected the five women after consulting with the Smithsonian American Women's History Museum, the National Women's History Museum, and the Congressional Bipartisan Women's Caucus. Ida B. Wells, a pioneer of investigative journalism; Juliette Gordon Low, founder of the Girl Scouts in America in 1912; Dr. Vera Rubin, a pioneering astronomer in the 1970s; Stacey Park Milbern, a visionary leader and powerful activist for people with disabilities; and Althea Gibson, a pioneering multi-sport athlete who achieved an impressive list of firsts throughout her athletic career.


News related with SDGs number 5-Gender Equality


The gift economy: a new model for human relations

December 24, 2024 - The gift economy model can be traced back to Neolithic matriarchal societies, but we also find traces of it in traditional societies in much of the South of the world (see the “Ubuntu” philosophy of sub-Saharan Africa). However, the gift economy is also widespread in our Western societies, within families, circles of friends and volunteer networks. The purpose of gift economy networks is to make this type of human relationships more evident and widespread. Although the gift economy may seem like a new concept, there are already initiatives in Italy that share some of its principles, such as the Banca del Tempo and Freecycle.


News related with SDGs number 11-Sustainable Cities and Communities


Giacomo Puccini: the opera that unites generations a century away

December 6, 2024 - One hundred years after Giacomo Puccini’s death, his musical legacy continues to resonate not only in opera houses, but also in pop culture, cinema, and new technologies. Puccini is known for his ability to create unforgettable melodies and for bringing musical theater to a modern dimension, a path that led him to transform the most intimate and universal emotions into timeless notes. Celebrated for having opened new paths in opera, making it accessible and understandable to a wider audience, Giacomo Puccini leaves a legacy that goes far beyond the world of opera. His melodies continue to inspire composers, directors, and artists of all kinds.


News related with SDGs number 4-Quality Education



Rules, regulations and environment



Neste and Bayer sign MOU to develop winter canola ecosystem in the US for SAF

(by Meghan Sapp)

January 9, 2025 - In Finland, Neste and Bayer have signed a memorandum of understanding aimed at developing a winter canola ecosystem in the U.S, including identifying partners and developing the value chain together, and scaling winter canola production as a raw material for renewable products. (…)


News related with SDGs number 17-Partnerships for the Goals


Indonesia implements B40 with 20% increase in biodiesel production quota

(by Meghan Sapp)

January 7, 2025 - In Indonesia, Xinhua news agency reports the Indonesian government has boosted its biodiesel allotment for 2025 by 20% to nearly 1.56 billion liters as it implements its 40% blending mandate. During B35, the mandate was at nearly 1.3 billion liters. Two of PT Pertamina’s refineries in Sumatra Island and Papua have been preparing to provide the higher blend. The country is already preparing for a shift to B50 in 2025 as it looks to significantly reduce its reliance on fossil fuel imports. (…)


News related with SDGs number 7-Affordable and Clean Energy


Scatec reaches financial close for Botswana solar farm

January 7, 2025 - Renewable energy company Scatec ASA has reached financial close for the second 60 megawatt (MW) of the 120 MW Mmadinare Solar Complex in Botswana and is preparing for construction start. (…)


News related with SDGs number 7-Affordable and Clean Energy


Brazil announces the selection of 12 projects for the creation of hydrogen hubs

(by Juan Pedro Tomas)

January 2, 2025 - In the UK, Fuels Cells Works reported that Brazil’s Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) announced the selection of 12 low-carbon hydrogen hub projects for the decarbonization of Brazilian industry. (…) The report noted that the proposals included the production of hydrogen from various sources, such as electricity connected to the National Interconnected System (SIN) grid, wind, solar, ethanol, biomass and others (…).


News related with SDGs number 7-Affordable and Clean Energy


Ancap, HIF Global sign deal for green hydrogen plant in Uruguay

(by Juan Pedro Tomas)

January 2, 2025 - In Uruguay, Mercopress reported that Uruguayan state-owned oil company Ancap, through Alcoholes del Uruguay (ALUR), signed an agreement with HIF Global to implement an ambitious green hydrogen and synthetic fuels project in Paysandú. The investment, estimated at US$6 billion, aims at producing 700,000 tons per year of renewable fuels. (…)


News related with SDGs number 17-Partnerships for the Goals


HIF Global and Alcoholes del Uruguay sign implementation agreement for $6B e-fuels facility

(by Meghan Sapp)

December 31, 2024 - In Uruguay, HIF Global and Alcoholes del Uruguay (“ALURhave signed the Implementation Agreement which establishes the framework for the interaction between HIF’s future e-Fuels facility in Paysandú and ALUR’s biofuel plant nearby. The HIF Paysandú e-Fuels facility, with an estimated investment of $6 billion, aims to produce 700,000 tons of renewable fuels annually. The HIF Paysandú e-Fuels facility is expected to recycle 900,000 tons of CO2 per year (…)


News related with SDGs number 17-Partnerships for the Goals


Mystery of supra-thermal ions in fusion plasmas solved by advanced collision models December 31, 2024 - The pursuit of nuclear fusion as a clean and abundant energy source has made significant strides with the advent of inertial confinement fusion (ICF). This technology relies on compressing deuterium-tritium (DT) fuel to extreme temperatures and pressures to initiate fusion. (…)


News related with SDGs number 7-Affordable and Clean Energy



* * * * * * *



Good News Agency is published monthly (except August) in English, Italian and Portuguese. Past issues are available at www.goodnewsagency.org . Rome Law-court registration no. 265 dated 20 June 2000. Managing Editor: Fabio Gatti. Editorial research by Fabio Gatti, Isabella Strippoli, Elisa Minelli, Salvatore Caruso Motta, Chiara Damilano, Francesco Viglienghi, Carlo Toraldo, Andrea Landriscina, Nazzarena Franco. Webmaster, media and NGO coverage: Simone Frassanito (simone.frassanito@goodnewsagency.org


Good News Agency is distributed free of charge through Internet to media and editorial journalists of the daily newspapers and periodical magazines and of the radio and television stations, NGOs, service associations, high schools and colleges as well as over 26,000 Rotarians around the world.


It is an all-volunteer service of Associazione Culturale dei Triangoli e della Buona Volontà Mondiale, a registered, not-for-profit educational charity chartered in Italy in 1979 The Association operates for the development of consciousness and promotes a culture of peace in the ‘global village’ perspective based on unity in diversity and on sharing. It is based in Piazzale degli Eroi 8, 00136 Rome, Italy. The Association is a member of the World Association of Non Governmental Organizations.


* http://decade-culture-of-peace.org/2010_civil_society_report.pdf - In section A - International Organizations, page 12, the Report says: ”Diffusion and exchange of culture of peace information via the Internet has become the major instrument for several international organizations, notably the Culture of Peace News Network, the Good News Agency and the Education for Peace Globalnet.”

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